How do we discover signatures for capturing?

PDF Signature Fields

We locate PDF signature fields in the PDF document. Documents will have to be designed/created in a PDF editor rather then converted , such as saving a word document to PDF

PDF Fields

We locate PDF fields that who's names start with "signature_" in the PDF document. Documents will have to be designed/created in a PDF editor rather then converted , such as saving a word document to PDF

PDF Coordinates

This process requires our intervention to manually map specific locations in a document to specific signature fields

PDF Image

Using our image encoder found here you can download an image of a signature box which you can place into your PDF or WORD document. We can read this image to discover the signature location

Word Document

Save your word document to PDF(Save As) and ensure you use our image generator found below for your signature fields


We add a signature to the bottom of the image (.jpg for example)

Generate Image